ATTENTION Doodle Owners!

"Get FREE Grooming Tips from a Certified Master Groomer to keep your Doodle looking Great"

"FIRST we need to determine the type of coat that your doodle has.."

"Labradoodle, GoldenDoodle, Bernadoodle, Schnoodle, Woodle and any Doodle, what kind of coat does your dog have?"

"Starting with the basics, I will send you a FREE data sheet to determine your dogs coat type.  From there we can work together to determine the best grooming method to keep your Doodle looking and feeling their best"

  •  Texture:   Is the coat soft, wooly, stiff, hard, thick, curly or straight?
  •  Does it have the potential to matt and get tangled easy?
  •  YOU can easily and quickly groom your dog and prevent the "shave-off"
  • ​If you know your dogs coat type you will be better at managing the coat before it gets beyond correction
  • ​Your dog will love the attention that they receive with you behind the tools
  • ​Knowledge ffrom a certified Master Groomer of 23 years, owning and teaching the art of dog grooming.

Identify your Doodle hair-type and begin the road to successful maintenance of the doodle coat...

Enter your best email below and I'll send you a FREE copy of my Data sheet to determine your Doodles hair type and begin your road to keep your Doodle look their best 


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